Introducing In-Person Events

Easy Check-Ins for In-Person Events

Track attendance for your in-person events with ease. Get detailed reports on of your events.

Create an Event
Easy Check-In

Simply scan the attendee QR code to check-in them for your in-person events.


We are working very sincerely to secure your data.

Restrict Email Domains

You can restrict the email domains of the attendees. So only the attendees with the specified email domains can check-in the event.

Detailed Report

Get detailed report of attendance for your in-person events.

Attendance History

All your attendance reports are securely stored in our database. You can access them anytime.

Full Control

You have full access to your every data saved in our database.

Get started with Trackit today

Trackit provides deep insights of the attendance of online classes and in-person events with great analysis tools.

Create an Event

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